Thursday, June 9, 2011

Where did I come from.......

As a child I was never really intrested in the kitchen area. Perhaps because ours was too small for more then one person, or perhaps because my tom boy attitude kept me outside with the rocks and the trees. Either way, cooking and baking didn't really intrest me. As I grew older and moved out on my own, I lived on rice noodles and chinese vegetables from the market and still had no clue what the kitchen was for besides storing stuff. AND THEN I married the most amazing husband who could GASP cook and I was set! But as I became a mama and then a stay at home one I thought I should probably take on a bit more responsiblity at home then just child rearing. But see growing up in a single parent family with a mother who is working full time gives you great insight on the independant woman, but not a ton on who to be a house wife. So I'm kinda making it up as I go along.

I have this image in my mind that a housewife is this June Cleaver woman who can do it all, and I sooooo don't fall into this category. I can hardly cook, cleaning is ok except those darn junk drawers and well when I'm baking I take a million shortcuts. but that's ok. I'm learning to lower these insane expectations of who I think I should be who I am. I plan on posting some fun baking ideas I have and sharing them with you, but learning along the way as well. I'm thankful for each moment I have with my family and can't wait to share our adventures. So follow or don't follow, read or don't read. It's more about the fun process then the actual product that comes from all of this.

1 comment:

Marisa Ducklow is a... said...

I have a great recipe for Bok Choy and rice noodles with eggs if you are intereted...